I Don’t Just Preach Bankruptcy Recovery… I’ve Done it Myself
I’m not sure what led to your bankruptcy. Most people who file bankruptcy are honest, hard working folks who got caught up in bad circumstances.
In my case, I lost my job and had no safety net. I was so broke, I had to borrow money from my parents to file bankruptcy. The day I sat in front of the judge during my meeting of creditors was the most humiliating day of my life! I just wanted to get out of there as fast as possible. I felt like a failure.
After I filed I was embarrassed to apply for credit, because I thought I would just get denied. Or if I did get approved, it would be at a ridiculously high interest rate through a loan shark lender. The stigma of bankruptcy followed me everywhere. I thought I would be stuck paying cash for the rest of my life.
I didn’t know what to do, where to begin, or whose advice to follow to start my recovery.
Everyone seemed to have conflicting advice.
I was told by loan officers, car dealers, mortgage brokers, realtors, my attorney, close friends, and even a few family members that my credit would be ruined for 7 to 10 years.
If I ever wanted to buy a car, it would be at high interest through predatory lenders like AmeriCredit or CRAPital One.
I would never be approved for low-interest credit cards with a high credit limit again.
And pigs would fly before I got approved for a mortgage.
But Then an Amazing Thing Happened…
That decision changed everything.
I soon bought a new car (at 2.9% interest)…qualified for a mortgage on a beautiful home (at a single-digit interest rate with very little money down)…got approved for two Visa credit cards with normal interest rates (the same low interest as someone who never filed bankruptcy)…and even qualified for low interest personal and business loans.
Before I knew it, I rebuilt my credit in less than a year.
Then, my friends and family (who told me it couldn’t be done) began asking me how I did it! Even my bankruptcy attorney was shocked how quickly I recovered.
The Truth is…
You CAN Quickly Rebuild Your Credit After Bankruptcy—
Much Faster Than You’ve Been Told
Here’s how I did it…first of all, I didn’t listen to my bankruptcy attorney. He never bothered to tell me how to recover. Odds are, your bankruptcy attorney never filed bankruptcy…doesn’t know what you’re going through…and probably doesn’t care. After I paid my bankruptcy attorney, he stopped returning my calls.
With no one to help me, I realized I was on my own. So I started researching everything I could get my hands on about bankruptcy, credit, and credit scores. I was stunned to discover most of the bankruptcy recovery advice available was from people who never filed bankruptcy!
Something didn’t seem right. I began interrogating lenders. I was determined to get approved for credit at low interest rates. I wouldn’t take no for an answer. Using this approach, it took me less than a year to recover, and that was with making many mistakes along the way.
Over the next few years I systemized my recovery process, and refined it into a system anyone could easily follow to recover from bankruptcy—even in today’s strict lending environment.
And I’ve been sharing everything I’ve learned in my free newsletter.
In the Life After BK newsletter I deliver free actionable tips, inspiration, and an occasional kick in the pants weekly to your inbox.
I promise never to share, trade, sell, deliver, reveal, publicize, or market your email address in any way, shape, or form. Period.
About Life After BK Founder Stephen Snyder

I filed bankruptcy and was discharged in 1992. I completely recovered in 8 months. And since then has been sharing my recovery techniques
freely with anyone who will listen.
Stephen has toured the USA for the last 15 years speaking to crowds of up to 1,686 people. He retired from giving live seminars in 2010…however is in the process of returning to performing live events in 2013.
No cities and dates have been selected yet. The best way to keep in the loop is to sign up for his newsletter.
Over the years the media has been generous in quoting Stephen:
U.S. News & World Report
How to Recover From Bankruptcy
Stephen tells Kimberly Palmer of U.S. News & World Report the value of setting goals when recovering from bankruptcy.
Wall Street Journal
Quick Fix: Policing Your Credit Score
Michelle Higgins of the Wall Street Journal asks Stephen about Credit Card promotions.
Denver Post
Credit Index Aims to Educate
Stephen serves up his take on the national credit score index.
The Landscape For Small-Business Loans Has Changed—Here Is How to Take Advantage
Stephen is interviewed on how to raise your credit scores and the importance of finding the right lender.
The Christian Science Monitor
Character Score: Judged by the Content of Your Credit Report
Stephen adds his insight on credit scoring in the context of using credit reports for everything from job hirings to personal
Money: A Bad Bet on Cards
Stephen Snyder’s after holiday credit tips appear in a column by Linda Stern, which tells why consumers should never open those
department store credit cards, even if it saves money upfront.
Holiday Debt
Live via satellite, Stephen Snyder shares his sure-fire advice for improving your most important personal finance asset: your credit score.
Pioneer Press
Investor’s Eye: Harm To Credit May Be In Store
Personal finance reporter Gail MarksJarvis interviews Stephen on the hidden mistakes everyone seems to make that lower credit scores.
Washington Post
Retail Credit Cards May Cost You More Than the Discount
Nationally respected personal finance columnist Michelle Singletary includes Stephen Snyder’s credit tips for making the holiday season a
merry one for your credit scores.
Credit Scores
A national audience watches Stephen Snyder explain how to avoid the pitfalls of unknowingly lowering your credit score.
How to Increase Your Credit Score
Stephen Snyder shares with a national audience the 10 most important keys to increasing your credit scores and improving your life. Ken and
Daria Dolan invite him back!
Insurance Advocate
Can You Underwrite The Risk Without A Score Card?
Stephen comments on how credit scores can affect the insurance industry.
Wall Street Radio: This Morning
Stephen Snyder takes his message to the street as listeners of
hundreds of radio stations learn how to improve their credit scores!
CBS Market Watch
Scoring Drive – Nine Tips For Improving Your Credit Score
Scoring Big! Stephen Snyder shares with a television audience how to pay less on everything from home loans to life insurance by improving
your credit score.
Even more important than the media is what real people, who have applied what they learned, have had to say:
“I fought going to that seminar every step of the way.”

“I fought going to that seminar every step of the way knowing it would just be another opportunity for people to identify me as bankrupt! I thank God for leading me to Stephen. His seminar changed my life! Today I own my own business, have two beautiful homes, credit cards, vehicles and no debt.”
“Learning how to recover from bankruptcy is like getting a map to a maze…Stephen has the map.”

“My FICO scores are now around 750…one is even almost 800. I’m ecstatic! Anyone can recover from bankruptcy when you know what to do (and what not to do). Learning how to recover from bankruptcy is like getting a map to a maze…Stephen has the map.”
“He’s the real deal.”

“A few hours spent with Stephen allowed me to open a new bank account, buy a new home, refinance that home and pull out some cash, purchase several new trucks over the years, establish six new credit cards, and also gave me the chance to start my own small business and open a merchant services account. Wow. He’s the real deal.”
“I was sure Stephen was a money grubbing scam artist. I attended anyway. He’s real.”

“I was sure Stephen was a money grubbing scam artist. I attended [the seminar] anyway. He’s real. There was hope. I now had a
plan. I put into action many of the ideas that I had learned. My credit scores are above 700 now. My regret is that I did not know that there
was a system to accelerate recovery. It would have saved me years of pain and despair.”
“We went from living with mom to building a new house.”

“Stephen’s seminar changed our lives! We went from being terrified of another credit card, paying cash for everything, living at mom’s house, and driving a ‘ 94 Escort to…building a new house, buying 2 new cars and having 2 new unsecured cards each. We now drive by cash
advance stores laughing!”
Martin and Carmelita
“I’m years ahead of where we would have been without the seminar.”

“I thought I wouldn’t recover for 7 to 10 years. The seminar changed everything. I left feeling empowered. I raised my middle score
to 697 (an increase of about 120 points) and purchased my first home. I also purchase a Toyota Camry at 4.5%, and later a Toyota van. I’m years
ahead of where we would have been without the seminar.”
“Our scores, once in the low 400’s are now in the 700s. We could have never accomplished this on our own.”

“People told us it would take at least 7 to 10 years to recover from bankruptcy. We were invited to attend Stephen’s seminar and
were cautiously hopeful. Wow. The things we learned have literally changed our lives. We were able to buy a home! Our scores, once in the low 400’s are now in the 700s. We could have never accomplished this on our own.”
“I don’t have to put up a deposit for anything anymore!”

“Somehow I got enough courage to attend. After leaving the seminar I felt so elated. I couldn’t believe the resources that were
available. My FICO scores have increased tremendously, and I don’t have to put up a deposit for anything anymore! There’s light at the end of
the tunnel.”
“With a roadmap to recovery, we increased our scores from 452 to 718.”

“Filing bankruptcy was just the beginning of a new life! Attending the seminar is when things really started to change for the better. With a roadmap to recovery, we increased our credit scores from 452 to 718. We bought a home and moved out of the small apartment. Now,
we’re looking forward to taking our grandchildren to Disney World.”
“The advice Stephen gives is mandatory for anyone who would ever want to apply for credit.”

“I started with scores 586, 586 and 563. Now my scores are 717, 795 and 713. The advice Stephen gives is mandatory for anyone who would ever want to apply for credit. I started my new business after my bankruptcy was final. I now have a six figure income, own my new home, have a car and a SUV, and have money in the bank. Thank you Stephen.”
“All I can say is, my life began anew that day.”

“At my lowest point I got an invitation to the seminar. I read the invite looking for the catch. Reluctantly, my new bride and I attended. All I can say is, my life began anew that day. My FICO scores went from the mid 500’s to a middle score of 750. I pre-qualified for a $400,000 mortgage loan, have 3 unsecured credit cards, and on it goes.”
“My life changed when I went to Stephen’s After Bankruptcy seminar.”

“I was laid off and lost my home through foreclosure. I had a very hard time of trying to get an apartment because of the bankruptcy. My life changed when I went to Stephen’s After Bankruptcy seminar. My FICO scores are now up, I bought a new car and have two credit cards all with low interest rates. I’m now building my dream house.”
“Although embarrassed, I decided to go. It was the best decision I could have made.”

“I received an invitation to attend Stephen’ seminar. Although embarrassed, I decided to go. It was the best decision I could have made. It put me on the road to recovery. I still was skeptical about everything Stephen talked about working for me. I was wrong. I ended up with new credit with low interest rates from mainstream
“I even got a signature loan for $10,000 with 4% interest.”

“I have been able to secure new credit cards, build a new $450,000 home then refinance it at 5%, and purchase a new car. I even got a signature loan for $10,000 with 4% interest from the credit union that once threatened to repossess the car I financed with them several years ago. My credit scores are up to 750…it doesn’t get any better than
“I’ve purchased several properties, my Lexus dream car, and I’m preparing to purchase my fifth property this year.”

“My new beginning started the day I attended Stephen’s seminar. I actually took a deep breath and felt alive and full of hope. I’ve recovered beautifully. I’ve purchased several properties, my Lexus dream car, and I’m preparing to purchase my fifth property this year. I have new credit cards, high credit limits, a small business, and a new outlook on life. I am so thrilled.”
“Going to that seminar less than two months after filing was a true blessing.”

“At age 53, we learned what it really means to start over. We began rebuilding our lives.
Two years and one day after discharge we closed on our brand new home in a great neighborhood…something we couldn’t have dreamed of a little over two years earlier. Going to that seminar less than two months after filing was a true blessing.”
“I needed to recover from bankruptcy as quickly as possible. Stephen did it, I can too.”

“I needed to recover from bankruptcy as quickly as possible. Stephen did it, I can too. I followed Stephen’s ‘recipe’ to the letter. In 2008 I started a real estate investment business and now own 13 homes. My middle credit score is 760 and have over $100,000 in unsecured credit. Stephen’s plan and guidance changed my life.”
“We started implementing Stephen’s process, and were able to refinance our home at 5%, and refinanced our car at 6%.”

“We were very young when we filed. We were in college and having a baby right after we were married. We were so embarrassed. We were skeptical about attending the seminar. We started implementing Stephen’s process, and were able to refinance our home at 5%, and refinanced our car at 6%. We never had told anyone about our BK.”
“We’ve been able to do much more than we thought possible.”

“We now have credit scores over 700, and refinanced our mortgage to lower interest rate. Our credit card limit is around $14,000.00 now. We’ve been able to do much more than we thought
“I prepared for a fast talking salesman to sell me something.”

“After filing bankruptcy I received more junk mail I could ever imagine. Then I received Stephen’s invitation. I was skeptical. Nothing in life is free. I prepared for a fast talking salesman to sell me something quick, make his money and move on. I was pleasantly surprised. And at the end of the seminar nothing was for sale. Nothing.
“I started to give up.”

“I lost the house on the lake in foreclosure. Pretty much lost everything in the divorce. My attorney talked me into filing bankruptcy after the divorce. I tried to get back on feet and start all over, but it was very difficult especially with a bankruptcy and foreclosure. I started to give up. Then I came across Stephen. Thank goodness!”
“We were starting over, and at the time I had no idea how.”

“We were starting over, and at the time I had no idea how. I attended Stephen’s seminar. It gave me hope. My middle FICO score is up…we own a home…and we have 2 new lines of credit. I have more hope right now financially than any time in my life.”
“There was no $5,000 package. It was a no-nonsense seminar.”

“I was sure they’d try to hit us up for some kind of $5,000 package. We wouldn’t be able to buy it anyway, so we attended the seminar to see if we could learn anything. I was amazed at the value of that seminar. There was no $5,000 package. It was a no-nonsense seminar that really helps people.”
“Stephen threw us a lifejacket, we grabbed it, and never regretted it.”

“We tried everything to avoid bankruptcy. Ashamed and broke we lost our home and had to rent. After attending the seminar we walked away with new hope and a new attitude. We couldn’t believe how much useful information we received for FREE. We sleep better at night. Stephen threw us a lifejacket, we grabbed it, and never regretted it.”
“I’ve purchased a new Saab at 5% interest with little money down.”

“Awaiting my discharge I felt lost. The despair I felt was only surpassed by my embarrassment to file bankruptcy. Since my discharge I’ve purchased a new Saab at 5% interest with little money down, got an unsecured Visa with a $7,500 limit, and my credit scores are all above 700. I don’t believe any of this would’ve been possible without Stephen.”
“Spending an afternoon with Stephen was one of the best decisions I ever made.”

“I received an invitation and was very skeptical. But something was different. It seemed very personal. I attended in Cleveland and was surprised at the level of knowledge that Stephen commands. Looking back, spending an afternoon with Stephen was one of the best decisions I ever made.”
“Exactly 2 weeks after the seminar we purchased a new car.”

“We attended Stephen’s live seminar. We didn’t know what to expect. We listened for four hours, absorbing as much as we could. Exactly 2 weeks after the seminar we purchased a new car with no money down and 3%. Our FICO scores are now over 740.”
“Before I attended your seminar I had no idea what a credit score was.”

“Before I attended your seminar I had no idea what a credit score was. My life is so different today. I refinanced my home at 5%. The bank offered me a better rate on a new car than the car dealer—5%! I have three credit cards each with a limit in the $6,000 range. And my credit scores are 741, 739 and 701. Awesome.”
“In a single afternoon our lives had changed, our embarrassment diminished.”

“Philip and I drove nearly an hour on the day of the seminar. We were greeted by the friendliest people. In a single afternoon our lives had changed, our embarrassment diminished. With Stephen’s direction we began credit recovery. The last time we checked our credit scores they were in the mid to high 700 hundreds.”
Philip and Terri
“I am proud of my progress and growth to get where I am today. I realize your step-by-step plan made it a reality.”

“I attended your seminar in Maryland. I remember as if it was yesterday. I soon received unsecured credit cards with $4,000 and $5,000 credit limits and purchased my house with little money down. My FICO scores are 725 752 and 795. I am proud of my progress and growth to get where I am today. I realize your step-by-step plan made it a reality.”
“I realized that I needed a game plan to start rebuilding my credit.”

“I realized that I needed a game plan to start rebuilding my credit. I looked into credit repair companies but they were too aggressive and they scared me. If I can do it so can you!”
“I was stunned when I walked into the car dealership and was approved with no money down.”

“So many wonderful things came into my life after the seminar. I got a new $198K home with a 7% rate. My two boys are now in the best school system in Chicago. And I was stunned when I walked into the car dealership and was approved with no money down.”
“The house I was living in is now my first rental property.”

“I purchased my dream home. Over 5,000 square feet it’s a $275,000 mortgage at a 6% interest rate. The house I was living in is now my first rental property. My 3 FICO scores are 793, 758 and 680. Life for me now is great! I’ve been married for almost 7 years and have 8 beautiful grandchildren. Further, I now have a very close relationship with Jesus Christ.”
“I bought a house, multiple cars, have several unsecured credit cards, and so much more.”

“When I finally decided to file bankruptcy I felt a huge weight lift off my chest. Then I got an invitation to a seminar on how to overcome bankruptcy. That seminar changed my life. I started with FICO scores in the mid 500’s. My middle FICO score is now 726. I bought a house, multiple cars, have several unsecured credit cards, and so much more.”
“We purchased a new home three times larger than the house we lost!”

“We had to file Chapter 7. It was a tough decision. My husband was on the board of our Credit Union and didn’t want to leave them high and dry. We lost our cars and house. After attending the seminar we purchased a new home three times larger than the house we lost! And, we just purchased a new minivan with great terms!”
“I am extremely proud of whom I have become.”

“I re-established my credit, put money into savings, and now earn over $100,000 a year.
I am extremely proud of whom I have become.”
“I thought it was a terrific birthday present.”

“My wife and I filed on my birthday. I thought it was a terrific birthday present because we felt so relieved. As luck would have it, two friends also going through bankruptcy told me about your seminar. 18 months after our bankruptcy we bought a home. We also bought two cars and had a credit card to start rebuilding our credit.”
“Fortunately, we filed bankruptcy.”

“Fortunately, we filed bankruptcy. We say ‘fortunately’ only because what we know and what we’ve experienced would not have allowed us to be where we are now. We truly believe you have to go through a storm in order to witness the sunshine. When we went to the seminar and listened to what Stephen had to share…we were blown away.”
Devon and Daphne
“No one should have to go through the emotional rollercoaster of bankruptcy alone.”

“My credit scores are now in the high 700s. I have much higher credit limits and lots of unsecured card offers pouring in. I purchased a new vehicle with at 3%, and own a rental property free & clear. I owe my quick financial and emotional recovery to Stephen. Without his advice, I wouldn’t be where I am today.”
“Our FICO credit scores have now recovered to over 700, we have new credit at excellent interest rates.”

“We were discharged and almost immediately went to work recovering from the damage that had been done after bankruptcy. Our FICO credit scores have now recovered to over 700, we have new credit at excellent interest rates, control our spending, save and invest each month, and have our financial ship back on track.”
Ron and Adriana
“Your past does not determine your future!”

“I received a letter about Stephen’s bankruptcy seminar and believed that I would be part of a small group of people. When I arrived there was a conference room full of hundreds of people! My FICO score is now above 700, and I have a credit card that will be paid off soon. Recovery is more than possible. Your past does not determine your
“I now refer to this as ‘the day my life changed.'”

“I received an invitation announcing Stephen’s seminar. I was skeptical and assumed it would require some type of large investment to get the information we desperately needed. I now refer to this as ‘the day my life changed.’ Today, we have completely recovered and feel good about our credit status once again.”
“I bought a nice car and I purchased a home in a very nice suburb of Denver at 6%.”

“I found myself living in a small two bedroom apartment months behind on my rent. I had no car and used public transit. I was 49 years old and felt overwhelmed and defeated. Since then, I bought a nice car and I purchased a home in a very nice suburb of Denver at 6%. I also have my own business. I have Stephen to thank for getting back on
“How do I start over? Who do I ask advice?”

“I felt like a mess. I was embarrassed. I had no idea where to turn. How do I start over? Who do I ask advice? Then I received an invitation in the mail. I was skeptical. I remember thinking ‘what are they going to try to sell me?’ I wish I would have known about Stephen before filing bankruptcy. He’s the real deal.”
“After the seminar I bought a truck at 8%.”

“I didn’t know how to recover and did all the wrong things. After the seminar I bought a truck at 8% (before the seminar I paid 14%). I now own a business and have increased my scores 80 to 100 points (and they’re still going up). I’m optimistic about my future.”
“I purchased a new home—something I didn’t think I would ever be able to do.”

“At the time, I felt in my heart that I would never recover from this financial setback. I received a card in the mail about a FREE seminar. I was skeptical. I drove 80 miles to attend. There was no catch! Five months after attending, I purchased a new home, something I didn’t think I would ever be able to do.”
“Since our recovery we’ve been able to start our own company.”

“We felt embarrassed and disappointed in ourselves. Following Stephen’s plan we recovered in 12 months. One credit score even reached 809! We purchased a new SUV with a great 5% interest rate. And we’ve been able to start our own kitchen remodeling company.”
“I purchased my first home with my bankruptcy still on my credit reports.”

“I can still remember walking into the convention center where it seemed a thousand people were in attendance for Stephen’s seminar. I was shocked and relieved–I wasn’t the only one! Since then I fully recovered from bankruptcy. My scores improved. My limits increased, and I purchased my first home with my bankruptcy still on my credit reports.”
“We’ve started two businesses and are purchasing our first home in my hometown.”

“My divorce left me with almost $100,000 of debt. Filing BK was a weight lifted off my shoulders. I’m now remarried…our scores are in the 700s and we’ve obtained $30,000 in unsecured credit cards. We’ve started two businesses and are purchasing our first home in my hometown.”
“We went from having little hope to feeling like filing bankruptcy was the best thing we could have done.”

“We filed for bankruptcy in 2005. We then attended Stephen’s ‘Credit After Bankruptcy’ seminar. We went from having little hope to feeling like filing bankruptcy was the best thing we could have done. Barb’s scores are all above 720. My FICO average is 714.”
“I was totally engaged during the presentation. I took lots of notes. I walked out of there excited and hopeful for the first time in a
long time.”

“I was totally engaged during the presentation. I took lots of notes. I walked out of there excited and hopeful for the first time in a long time. I really appreciated the common sense approach. My credit scores are all above 720. Thanks to your program, I feel like I have completely recovered. I just closed on my new home at 4.75% interest!”
“By following Stephen’s advice my credit scores average over 750.”

“I was still a skeptic. My results? I purchased a new car with a captive lender at a low interest rate, refinanced my mortgage, and obtained two unsecured bank cards. My bankruptcy filings no longer appear on my credit reports, and by following Stephen’s advice, my credit scores average over 750.”
“I’ve moved out of my mom’s place! I’m better than ever!”

“The seminar was life changing! Using everything Stephen has taught me…I’ve been able to purchase cars, raise my very dismal credit score to an excellent rating, obtain several unsecured credit cards, and I’ve moved out of my mom’s place! I’m better than ever!”
“You can live a Life After Bankruptcy.”

“Finding Stephen pointed us in the right direction and taught us how to rebuild our credit, reestablish financial relationships, and put ourselves in a stronger financial position for our family. My husband and I are now back in business for ourselves. Fairy tales do come true! You can live a Life After Bankruptcy.”
“It was the best thing that ever happened to me.”

“Stephen’s seminar changed my life. It was the best thing that ever happened to me. I learned I didn’t have to wait ten years to be approved for credit with low interest rates. All I needed was to learn how to do it correctly. And I did. Looking back, had I not experienced bankruptcy, I never would have learned to manage my credit and my finances.”
“The information he shared enabled me to move forward.”

“Going through the bankruptcy process, I learned of Stephen and signed up for one of his seminars. The information he shared enabled me to move forward, purchase the truck and equipment that I needed to grow my business, and to allow me to look forward to the opportunity to rebuild my future.”
“I sometimes forget that I was bankrupt.”

“My credit scores were 467, 497 and 502. After one year by doing the things Stephen taught, they were 667, 681 and 697. I felt so good. I’m buying a home this year. I can buy new cars at normal rates. I have unsecured cards and I sometimes forget that I was bankrupt. The education was invaluable.”
“We thought we were hiding the bankruptcy from most people.”

“We thought we were hiding the bankruptcy from most people when we got a letter from Stephen inviting us to a seminar. We went and for the first time we saw something we could do to take action. We never knew would ever be possible to have high credit scores again.”
“I recovered faster than I could have ever accomplished on my own.”

“I know what it’s like to lose everything. A widow at 50, I rebuilt my life alone. My credit scores increased from the 500’s to the 700’s. I was approved for a mortgage at 4.65%, a new credit card, and purchased a new vehicle…all through low interest lenders. I recovered faster than I could have ever accomplished on my own.”
“When was the last time you got something that was really free?”

“The seminar was free, but I was suspicious. When was the last time you got something that was really free? This seminar wasn’t free—it was priceless. I felt like getting back in the game. I had a plan, I had a team, and I was moving forward! Today I am happy to report that our credit scores have improved over 200 points.”
“Recovery after bankruptcy just doesn’t happen.”

“Recovery after bankruptcy just doesn’t happen. You can recover, however, you need a game plan from a coach that has the knowledge, skill and experience. Stephen’s got the game plan. It works.”
“I raised my credit scores over 200 points!”

“I had concern about attending. I’m so glad I went. I felt better seeing hundreds of people who looked like me in the same boat. I learned how to recover from bankruptcy. I raised my credit scores over 200 points! I’m happy, I pay my bills on time, and I save money.”
“I was able to have almost $60,000 in unsecured credit.”

“Credit did not take long to amass. After a short period, I was able to have almost $60,000 in unsecured credit.”
“We had no plan what to do next.”

“I remember the day we filed. We were embarrassed, but also relieved. We had no plan what to do next. We were just thankful to eat dinner without the annoying calls. We attended the seminar and were amazed. Our scores went from the mid-600s to the mid-700s (and are still increasing!).”
Samuel and Lamonique
“Purchased a 5 bedroom 3 bath home with 3% down at 5.5%.”

“My daughter was killed while riding her bike on summer vacation. This tragedy started a chain of events that lead up to filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy. I asked my wife to attend Stephen’s seminar with me, but it was her opinion that it could not help. So I attended. I soon purchased a 5 bedroom 3 bath home with 3% down at 5.5%.”
“My credit scores went from 500 to 700 in only 1 year.”

“I knew this seminar was an opportunity of a lifetime. Stephen was unbelievable! My credit scores went from 500 to 700 in only 1 year. My new car came 6 months after the seminar at 4.9% with $0 down, and I’ll be buying a home at the end of this year.”
“Our credit is back. Our cars are back. Our home is back. But most of all our hope is back.”

“After I calmed down and the initial shock had worn off, we set about to make our bankruptcy as secret and painless as possible. As I began listen to Stephen, I could see there was a path to recovery and a plan we could follow. But most of all there was hope. Our credit is back. Our cars are back. Our home is back. But most of all our hope is back.”
“We had no idea how to rebuild our credit.”

“Once we received our discharge letter, we looked at each other and said, ‘now what?’ What do we do now? Where do we go from here? We had no idea how to rebuild our credit. Months later we received a mailer from Stephen about a FREE seminar, that would assist in our recovery from bankruptcy. The rest is history!”
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